
To add a video source, you need to make sure your video device is installed and working properly first.  Your video source must also use a Direct X driver.  Fortunately this is common.  You should see your video source in the Video Source list near the bottom of the window.  

Name - This should be a brief description of the video source.  This is displayed in the video list so put something here that helps you figure out what this video source is for.

Description - This is where you could put a nice wordy description of what the video source is and what it's used for.

Enabled - If you want to disable a video source but don't want to delete it just yet, then you can uncheck the Enabled check box and it will no longer monitor that video source.

Include on Main Window - If you don't want a video source to show up on the tabs in the main control window, then uncheck this box, otherwise keep it checked.  

Video Source - This is a list of DirectX drivers that were detected on your system.  Locate the one you want to use for this video source and click it.  If you have multiple DirectX drivers, you'll need to add a separate video item for each one that you wish to monitor.  If you have multiple X10 cameras that share the same USB video device, you will need to add a separate only one video item for each X10 camera, but each one would use the same video source.  Make sure you set up a separate controlling switch for video device so it will switch the devices on and off as you switch video tabs on the main control window.

Controlling Switch - X10 cameras typically have an X10 switch that turns them on and off.  If this value is not set to None, then when a video tab is visible, it will turn this switch on, and it will turn it off when it's not visible.  It will also turn it on when snapping a picture from a macro, and will turn it off again when it's no longer snapping the picture.

Display Name - You can choose to have the name of the video source placed on each snapshot.  This does not appear in the thumbnail view, but it does display in the larger picture that gets stored to your hard drive.  You have the option to have it display on the bottom of the picture or at the top of the picture or not at all.  You can click the Font button to change the font properties for this and the Date/Time Stamp.  You may want to choose a different color that has enough contrast for your normal snapshots.  You may want to get creative with the fonts too, just for the fun of it.  It defaults to a plain white font displayed on the bottom of the snapshot.

Date/Time Stamp - You can also display the date and time on each snapshot.  This does not appear in the thumbnail view, but it does display in the larger picture that gets stored to your hard drive.  You have the option to have it display on the bottom of the picture or at the top of the picture or not at all.  You can click the Font button to change the font properties.  You may want to choose a different color that has enough contrast for your normal snapshots.  You may want to get creative with the fonts too, just for the fun of it.  It defaults to a plain white font displayed on the bottom of the snapshot.  If both the Display Name and the Date/Time Stamp are on set to be on the top, it will display the name first and the date/time second.  The same is true if both are displayed on the bottom.

Max Record Time - Video clips can become quite large, so this needs to be limited so it won't fill up your hard drive if you start recording and forget to stop.  When a video clip is started, either by pressing the record button or by a macro, it will only record for as long as selected here. 

Storage - Pops up a window where you can choose where and how snapshots will be stored on your computer.

Cleanup - If snapshots are never deleted, they'll eventually fill up your hard drive.  This button will display a dialog that lets you determine how and when your old files will be deleted.

Add - This allows you to add an X10 switch in case the one that is used by the video source is not already in the list.

Advanced - This displays a window that lets you control how snapshots are done and where they are stored, and lets you set up some cleanup options to get rid of old snapshots.  Click here to see the advanced window.

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